
Earth Week 2019

The New School will celebrate Earth Week 2019 by demonstrating its commitment to sustainability and addressing the climate crisis with a week-long series of programs and events coordinated by the Tishman Center in collaboration with academic departments, students groups, and other offices across the university. Earth Week at The New School is dedicated to championing environmental justice, inspiring activism through artistic expression and design, fostering professional opportunities in environmental sectors, promoting sustainable practices, and advancing sustainability in New York City and the world.

Around the world, indigenous communities and movements are revitalizing indigenous knowledge and ways of organizing to defend lands, restore communal self-determination and protect Mother Earth as they confront (neo)colonial, patriarchal, capitalist and state projects that undermine indigenous territories and drive Anthropocene crises like climate change and biodiversity loss.

The New School hosts workshops and events in its social justice hub surrounding environmentalism activism, food justice, and more. During climate week they center their programming around the planet.

Two panels will be held; the first on April 22nd and the second on April 23rd. The first panel opens a space for indigenous leaders and organizations from across the Americas to share their struggles and achievements in the face of a changing climate. The second panel seeks to foster critical reflection on the responsibility of academia in relation to the front-line communities and movements directly confronting the drivers and agents of our planetary crisis. Both panels will be moderated by New School faculty.

The New SchoolA film screening of the Human Element by environmental photographer James Balog captures the lives of everyday Americans on the front lines of climate change while looking at the ways humans impact the earth every day.

Source: Tishman Environment and Design Center